Psychological Assessment of the Factors that contribute to the Client’s Weight Gain or Prevent Weight Loss:

  1. Conscious, Logical, Rational 

  2. Unconscious or Subconscious -such as childhood messages about being skinny or over weight, experiences where one was shamed for one’s appearance or being overweight,  other unconscious reason that might lead people to overeat for other reasons than hunger and nutritional needs, etc. 

  3. Emotional Reasons for Eating:  sadness, anger, loneliness, self-Sabotage, self-punishment, etc.  

  4. Behavioral Reasons for Eating and or Not Losing Weight:  lack of exercise, choosing to eat unhealthy foods, eating after one is full, eating sweets, eating late at night, snacking between meals, etc.

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Program Package includes:

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Program Package includes:

  1. Initial Psychological Assessment Session

  2. Customization of Weight loss Hypnosis  script to address clients’ individual weight loss needs

  3. One hypnosis session 

    *Additional follow up sessions (both psychotherapy and or hypnosis may be added to the package)